
Loyalty Card Templates For Your Small Business Needs

A surprise gift. A free coffee. 30% off. We’ve all experienced it and love it. Loyalty cards are an excellent way to reward your regular customers and give them that special feeling of uniqueness that we all adore.

The design of your loyalty card is especially important. You want your customers to be able to recognise your card (if they’re carrying around a number). Plus, a beautiful card will stick in the mind of your customers 24/7 or even leave them with a smile whenever they pull your card out.

In this piece, we will be looking at what makes a great loyalty card design, the best punch card designs, and frequently asked questions about loyalty card designs.

What Makes a Good Loyalty Card Design?

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Examples of Good Loyalty Card Templates

To spark some inspiration let’s have a look at some good customer loyalty card designs in various industries.

Restaurant Loyalty Card Design Examples:

1. KFC


KFC’s loyalty card design is unmistakable: the logo is upfront and the card features the infamous finger-lickin’ good fried chicken.

We like how the flip side showcases the potential rewards the customer stands to get, encouraging them to visualise the rewards.

2. Subway



Subway’s clean and easy-to-follow loyalty card design leaves no room for doubt as to what brand the card belongs to. The design features a clear brand logo and is small enough for the customer to carry around. 

3. Burger King 



Burger King hit a home run with their loyalty card design. Besides having a clear logo on the card the brand clearly states the benefits of using the card with the phrase “BK savings card “. 

Cafe Loyalty Card Example:

4. Starbucks


Starbucks loyalty card is as good as it gets. The design not only features what the brand is known for (cups of coffee) but lists out the reward and what it takes to get it on their customer loyalty card.

5. Dunkin’ Donuts 


The power of a loyalty card design is in its memorability and Dunkin Donuts customer loyalty card design nails this. By placing a visual of their irresistible coffee and sandwiches on their loyalty card, which is the value the brand presents to its customers, they come to the mind of their customers as the solution, whenever they want to satisfy the craving. 

Punch Card Template Designs 

Let’s have a look at some of the best free loyalty card templates in various industries: 

Restaurant Loyalty Card Templates

1. Juice Bar Loyalty Card Template (Source)




2. Pizza Restaurant Loyalty Card Template (Source)




3. Filipino Restaurant Loyalty Card Template (Source)


Cafe Loyalty Card Templates 

Here are 3 coffee loyalty card templates you’ll love.


1. Coffee shop loyalty card template (Source)



2. Cafe loyalty card template (Source)



3. Coffee Loyalty card template designs


Cafe Loyalty Card Template Source 


Digital Punch Card Designs Template


  1. McDonald’s McCafe Digital Loyalty Card Design (Source)




This is the design for McCafe’s award-winning loyalty card template

2. Starbucks’ “punch card” loyalty card design


Starbucks’ App uses a point system for redemptions, but still gives the feel of a punch card.


3. Domino’s Point for Pies Digital Punch Card Template (Source)


An exciting image from Domino’s, their Points for Pies campaign runs on snapping photos of pizzes to get points.

Fitness Customer Loyalty Card Designs 

  1. Sample “Loyalty Dance” Dance studio punch card Designs


Template design sourced from Pinterest.


2. Yoga studio loyalty card template (Source)




  1.  Gym punch card design template


Template also sourced from Pinterest.


Car Wash Service Free Loyalty Card Templates

  1. Card wash printed punch card design template


2. Car Wash punch card template design


Note the $10 minimum – a useful tip when designing your loyalty card.


  1.  Car wash loyalty card design (with Tiered rewards!)


Template sourced from Pinterest.

Pet Store Punch Card Designs 

Here are 3 great pet store loyalty card templates.


  1. Sample Pet store loyalty card design:



  1. Sample pet store grooming loyalty punch card template



  1. Pet store customer loyalty card design template



Retail Loyalty Card Designs 

Here are 3 amazing retail customer loyalty card templates:


  1. “Frequent Shopper” retail loyalty card design



  1.  Cosmetics retail shopping loyalty punch card design



  1. Loyalty club card for retail design templates:




Frequently Asked Questions: Loyalty Card Designs 

Let’s see the frequently asked questions with regards to loyalty card designs.

How to Create Your Loyalty Card? 

To create a customer loyalty card that keeps your regulars coming back for business there are certain aspects of incentivization and design that you need to get right. Here are the steps below: 

1. Choose the Right Reward

Understanding your customers and offering them what they want is the foundation to creating a powerful loyalty card program. 

For instance, a retail store may offer discounts on valuable items, a cafe can give their customers small treats or free coffee, and service providers can offer their services for free or at discounts after a particular number of subscriptions.

Your reward has to align with your business’s pricing strategy. A great example of offering the right rewards is from Frank Body’s loyalty program. The brand attracts an audience of shoppers who love branded, exclusive products — and as a reward, offers regulars access to products and flash sales before they get open to the broader market.

To make the process seamless here are a few important tips: 

2. Create Your Customer Loyalty Card Design

Free loyalty card templates give you a foundation to start with for your design. You can simply pick the niche that your business operates in as we’ve shown you in the sub-topic above and personalize it to your brand.

If you decide to use loyalty card templates all you need to do is include your offer, logo, color, and you’ll be set to go.

However, if you opt to design from scratch then you can make use of designer services for a professional touch or pick one of the numerous online punch card design makers. That will smoothen out the process.

3.  Make a Digital Loyalty Card or Print Your Card Design on Paper

A major aspect that you need to take into consideration when creating customer loyalty card designs is if you’re going to use a digital loyalty card or a physical loyalty card.

Every business is different so this goes down to personal preferences and the kind of services and products your brand offers its customers.

Just like in the examples above a cafe may benefit the best from a digital loyalty card as it will allow the streamlining of POS transactions and takeaways. Retail stores on the other hand can benefit from either physical loyalty cards or digital loyalty cards as they cover a bigger age demographic, some tech-savvy and others not so.


4. Promote Your Punch Card to Your Customers

Your loyalty card has been created and the loyalty program is ready for operation. The next step is to promote this campaign to your brand’s customer base.

You should promote your loyalty card just as you would any of your new product releases. If you run a cafe this could involve in-store promotions, for service providers a basic email message or an ad campaign can encourage customers to sign up for the program, for retail stores a concise and clear call-to-action will work.


Where can I Create Punch Card Designs? 

Many quality punch card creators offer design services or self-design for you to take advantage of. The great thing is that these punch card makers also offer you printing services for your designs: 


Where can I Print a Punch Card? 

Most times, the same service that helps you design a punch card will offer printing services. Otherwise, local print stores in your area may be able to do printing for you.

Alternatively, you could save yourself the hassle by issuing a digital loyalty card.


How to Create a Digital loyalty card?

Creating a digital loyalty card can be done in 3 steps:

  1. Sign up for an account on a loyalty program platform that offers virtual punch cards for reward redemption and loyalty tracking. You can then personalize your rewards by picking how many stamps customers have to collect before being eligible for a reward. Next, impute what your loyalty reward should be.
  2. The second step is connecting your cashier’s device or your device to the punch card solution. You may not be required to download anything as most virtual punch cards function right off an internet browser, so most times you won’t have to integrate or download it with your POS. 
  3. After your device is ready to go you can then place it with the cashier or wherever works for your business.



That’s a wrap! Now you can seamlessly create the best punch card designs using the free loyalty card templates shown in this piece. So why the wait? Get started!

If you’re interested in boosting your word-of-mouth marketing strategy, check out ReferralCandy and InfluencerCandy!