Tag: brand loyalty

How to Increase Revenue for Small Businesses

Being able to increase revenue in a small business is one of those golden tickets that business owners love to hear, am I right? Running a business is hard work!...

/ March 22, 2021
How Haagen Dazs inspired half a century of customer loyalty

How Haagen-Dazs Builds Customer Loyalty

All over the world people scream for ice cream. Ice cream’s a booming market, one that’s expected to reach $89 billion in 2022. New Zealanders indulge the most—about 7.5 gallons...

/ January 18, 2021
Social Media Brand Loyalty for Nail Salons

Build Brand Loyalty Through Social Media For Your Nail Salon

If you want a manicure for an upcoming event, would you go to your favorite one or pick a random one? I’m thinking your answer would be your favourite one....

/ May 4, 2018